This platform was built within the scope of the Technical Assistance Mission (MAT2) and Capacity Building for the Central Africa Power Pool (CAPP) funded by the European Union and developped by IED.
The overall objective of the establishment of the Internet / GIS platform electrification and interconnections countries PEAC area is to strengthen the impact of interconnections (regional border) on access to the electrical service. This platform offers some information on the energy sector of member countries numbers. The infiormation provision will monitor the situation of energy exchanges in the area and have relevant indicators to promote new projects and monitor the progress of ongoing projects.
This web platform offers various functionalities in order to:
- view the existing and projected transmission network
- compare countries indicators
- provide real-time information validated by the member countries and the permanent secretariat of CAPP
The platform uses special technology of Geographic Information Systems to offer a cartographic interface of data.