The action is performed on the basis of collaboration with states and CAPP member companies whose respective roles are clearly defined in line with the actual powers and capacities in terms of implementation and management of energy infrastructure.
Angola |
Empresa Nacional de Electricidade - ENE-EP Empresa de Distribucaode Electricidate - EDEL |
Burundi |
Régie de Production et de Distribution d'Eau et d'Electricité – REGIDESO |
Cameroon |
Energy of Cameroon - ENEO |
Centrafrique |
Energie Centrafricaine - ENERCA |
Congo |
Gabon |
Société d'Eau et d'Energie du Gabon – SEEG |
Equatorial Guinea |
Sociedad de Electricidad de Guinea Ecuatorial – SEGESA |
R.D. Congo |
Sao Tomé & Principe |
EMpresa de Agua e Electricidade - EMAE |
Tchad |